

It will make your job easier


Services is an important principle, imbibed in our ‘Spirit of Excellence’ motto. We believe, service to customers is in our own interest. If customers are happy, we will be happy. Pleasant experience and satisfactory services only can assure long-term relation and business with customers.

So, feel no obligation in getting, or in some casesdemanding good service from Tejas Engineering Corporation.

  • We provide all the information regarding machines you are purchasing.

  • We shall guide you on selection of machines or models available in various ranges, viz-a-viz your industry’s requirement and your future plan.

  • We make all machines available for you to inspect and if possible – see the demo – whenever / wherever possible.

  • When you buy from authorized Tejas Engineering Corporation sales partner, we remain responsible for the better functioning of the machines.

  • We train service engineers of our sales partners for normal services and are ready to send expert engineers from corporate office to anywhere in the world.

  • We try to keep our services timely and cost-effective.

  • We also train your own machine operators, if required, so that costly machines are better handled, maintained.

  • We maintain a huge stock of spare parts that require replacing. Major parts can also be provided in short span.

  • Technical operative manuals are provided with almost all machines.

  • Our website also provides good detailed information and insight.

  • The company has well defined departments and designated personnel to look after customer service. You can contact us through various communication modes, 24 x 7.